
100 Ct. Jade Bracelet

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100 Ct. Jade Bracelet

Product Description

This 100 Ct. delightful Jade Bracelet fits an 8" wrist but stretches.

Jade is laden with symbolism, evoking notions of nobility and affluence. It's revered as a guardian across generations, bridging the realms of the living and the departed. Universally hailed as the "Gem Supreme" and the "Jewel of Heaven," this stone holds a special place in the heart. Through the ages, Jade has been hailed as a harbinger of good fortune, embodying a plethora of virtues esteemed by cultures worldwide: happiness, courage, purity, longevity, and wisdom.

Ancient Chinese beliefs attribute protective qualities to Jade, shielding against the specters of death and decay. This belief birthed the tradition of crafting elaborate Jade burial suits, encasing royal members in thousands of meticulously crafted tiles before interment. Moreover, in Chinese culture, wearing Jade is seen as donning a shield against misfortune; hence, it's advised to keep it close rather than tucked away. Should Jade suffer damage, it's thought to have intercepted harm intended for its wearer, acting as a stalwart guardian against negativity.

Renowned for inducing tranquility, Jade serves as a conduit for calm, peace, and serenity. Its affinity with meditation aids in clearing the mind and fostering profound relaxation. Particularly, Green Jade is esteemed for its ability to channel positive energy while repelling negative forces. It possesses a remarkable capacity to pacify the mind, dispel irritability, and instill a sense of harmony. In times of stress, anxiety, or emotional upheaval, the presence of Green Jade offers solace and reassurance.